Bill Galvin, Counseling Coordinator at the Center on Conscience & War in Washington, DC, will be the featured speaker at the Third Thursday Lunch at 11:30 am on May 20, 2010 at the Rudyard Kipling.
Through his work over many years beginning with the Vietnam War, Bill has counseled many soldiers and draft resisters. He travels widely, holds workshops and supports conscientious objectors (COs) who are speaking out and standing up in the ongoing effort to move this country to the day when conscience is respected and wars end. He worked directly with most of the COs interviewed for the new award-winning documentary
Soldiers of Conscience which is to be shown in Louisville on May 29 at St. Matthews Episcopal Church, 330 N. Hubbards Lane, 6:00 pm.
Everyone is invited to the buffet lunch ($6) beginning at 11:30 am at the Rudyard Kipling Restaurant, 422 West Oak Street. For reservations, call Jean Edwards, 458-8056.
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